Why subscribe?

Well, we can probably talk about our journalistic achievements regarding basketball, the access we’ve had to the sport and its players, or the fact that one of us on staff was a professional hooper (Editor’s note: total lie).

However, it comes down to we have our own individual voices, crafted through many deletions on a keyboard, like each position player on the court has specific skills. We think you’ll dig our opinions, and by “dig,” we mean love or hate. But isn’t that part of the beauty of ball? Individual thoughts and feelings on this or that about hoops?

So, set your feet, square up, and we’ll pass you the rock.

What do you get by subscribing?

Some fun and controversial perspectives (i.e., someone on staff claims Magic Johnson isn’t a point guard; we all laugh behind his back when he isn’t looking) and you’ll also get some overall badassery. Do you need anything else?

If you do, we also have podcasts on the way that will make you want to either high-five us virtually while saying, “that’s right” or make you feel like driving to our residences and beat us up (Editor’s note: not an invite). Either way, getting a visceral reaction to what we do here at Baller Mind Frame is our goal. Because at the end of the day, that’s just love for the game.

How much does it cost?


Well, for now. Let’s set expectations right here and now.

We want to build our audience through quality writing, which we promise to always give you. You may not agree with our opinions, but we’ll make it hard for you to truly say, “Dang, they suck.”

As you may know, writing and editing, as well as setting up interviews, handling our social media, et cetera, well, that takes time. And, as the saying goes, time is money. So, we figure, once we have 100 subscribers, we’ll ask our faithful readers for a $1/month, and continue in those increments. Hope that works for you! Which brings me to something you may not want to do to keep the price free…

Who else do you know that loves basketball?

There has to be someone you know open on the baseline with their hands up ready to get that pass, letting them know about Baller Mind Frame. C’mon and drop that dime!

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And while you’re at it, follow our social media below! Thank you, good people!




Subscribe to Baller Mind Frame

We here at Baller Mind Frame are board-certified basketball junkies looking to share our deep love for and our fanatical opinions on the game.


Former writer at internet hoops destinations, such as SLAM, Dime, ESPN TrueHoop, as well as The New York Times, SI, FOX Sports, Yahoo!, and COMPLEX.
General all-round basketball obsessive compulsive enthusiast/fantasy expert in training.
A very average writer who LOVES the world's greatest game. Recent work can be found right here and on https://medium.com/bingeable
Head of Online Operations. Social Media Director. Editor-in-Chief. Still hasn't gotten over Brady and Gronkowski leaving New England.
National sports reporter for McClatchy. Am also a lady, so when I make the suck-it motion, it’s with a swan-like grace.
Unapologetic pre-dynasty Warriors fan. Collector of KD shoes. Legendary shooter on my backyard hoop.